G11 Seminar
AP Capstone Diploma Program
Find the course syllabus here, along with other important information and documents.
Unit 1: Lenses, Perspectives, and Arguments
Unit 1 will take a look at race and racism. Students will read and discuss texts exploring race with a focus on the Black Lives Matter Movement. Students will learn and apply close reading and note-taking strategies while practicing identifying main ideas, lenses, and perspectives in a text.
Unit 3: Mock and Task 1 Team Project
You will go through this unit twice, once as a mock task and once as the real deal. You will complete the mock task with teacher feedback, which will be preparation for the real task 1 (without teacher feedback) that gets submitted to the College Board. For this task, you will be given both an individual grade for your Individual Research Report (IRR) and a group grade for the Team Multimedia Presentation (TMP).
Unit 4: Task 2 - IWA & Presentation
You made it to task 2! You will continue to use and hone the skills you developed in task 1; however, instead of working with a team and focusing on one lens, now you will be working individually to research and analyze multiple lenses/perspectives in your own paper and presentation.