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Grade 9 English

IB MYP Language & Literature

Unit 2: Debate

Final Product: Class Debate

Get ready! Sharpen your wits and challenge your opponents to an intellectual duel. It's about time we've had some good, healthy, yet heated arguments! Get the debate details here!

Resources to use throughout the unit

  1. Debate format - the gist of how to debate

  2. An Introduction to Ethos, Logos, and Pathos - a brief introduction to the rhetorical triangle

  3. How to tell if websites are credible - finding reliable sources

  4. CRAAP test - determining if a source is reliable or simply a piece of crap

  5. Graphic organizer - Plan your debate!

Activity 1: Format of a debate in action

Now, let's watch part of a debate in action! We will watch the opening and closing arguments (first and third speakers from both sides) about whether "Television is a bad influence."  I want you to pay attention to the format of the debate.  We can pick apart arguments later.  The video links are in EdPuzzle format, so make sure you answer the questions as you watch. 


Introduction to MSPDP Sample Debate: Television is a Bad Influence


Conclusion to MSPDP Sample Debate: Television is a Bad Influence

Activity 2: Let's step it up a notch!

Now, we are going to watch some high schoolers in action debating abolishing the death penalty. We will watch the entire debate to get a feel for the structure and follow the evolution of the arguments.  Again, pay attention to what the participants are doing during the debate and the different roles the speakers have. 


HSPDP Sample Debate: Abolish the Death Penalty


Compare the two debates:

  • Which debate did you enjoy more? Why?

  • What is something you learned from watching these debates that you want to make sure you do in your debate?

  • What is something you learned from watching these debates that you DO NOT want to to do in your debate?

Activity 3: Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting

We need to work on putting ideas into our own words and giving credit when credit is due.  After all, this will help build your ethos as a debater. Watch this EdPuzzle video: "Summarizing, Paraphrasing, and Quoting: A Guide to Doing it Right!"

Activity 4: Practice Debate

Read the assigned article "Educators and school psychologists raise alarms about 13 Reasons Why" and complete the quiz.  Discuss the questions below.

  1. What is the main idea of the article?

  2. What are the opposing viewpoints?

  3. How do you view the situation?


Now it's time to choose your side and debate! For this practice round, most of the research has already been done for you, meaning that you should be pulling the majority of your information from these sources.  After the practice debate, you will need to work with your partners to do all the research yourself. ​

Activity 5: Selecting a topic

It's time to start selecting our topics for our final class debate! Submit your choice here.

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